• Faith-Ell, C. (2016). Practicing ones theory. In: Samhällets styrsystem - en vänbok till Inga Carlman. Society's steering systems - a Friend book to Inga Carlman. Eds: Erik Grönlund and Ana Longueville. Mid Sweden University.
  • Peterson, K., & Kalle, H. (2016). Transposing the revised EIA Directive into national legislation in Estonia. UVP, 30(2), 77-81. doi:10.17442/uvp-report.030.14


  • Faith-Ell, C. (2015). An Overview of Swedish Research on Impact Assessment. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, Vol. 17, No. 1.


  • Faith-Ell, C., Kalle, H., & Lund-Iversen, M. (2014). Health in EIA in Estonia, Norway and Sweden. In R. Fehr, F. Villani, J. Nowacki, & M. Martuzzi (Eds.), Health in Impact Assessments: Opportunities not to be missed. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.
  • Uttam, K., Balfors, B. & Faith-Ell, C. (2014). Green public procurement (GPP) of construction and building materials. In: Eco-efficient construction and building materials, Pacheco-Torgal et al. (ed). Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge. Elsevier.
  • Faith-Ell, C. (2014). Konsekvensutredninger i Sverige - aktuelle problemstillinger. In: Holth, F. & Winge N.K. (ed.), Konsekvensutredninger - Rettsregler, praksis og samfunnsvirkninger. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.


  • Arts, J., & Kalle, H. (2012). Tiering: challenges and recent developments. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual IAIA Conference, 27 May - 1 June 2012, Porto, Portugal.
  • Kalle, H. (2012). Strategic environmental assessment and plans. Keskkonnamõju strateegiline hindamine ja planeeringud. Paper presented at the 10th Anniversary Conference of Estonian Association of Spatial Planners "Planning in Two Unions". Viljandi 15.-16.11.2012


  • Faith-Ell, C., Kalle, H. (2011). Resilience in the SEA of a connectivity strategy. Proceedings of conference of International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA), 31.05.-6.06.2011, Puebla, Mexico.


  • Kalle, H. (2010). Challenges in addressing climate change issues within impact assessment practice of transport projects in Estonia. International Conference of IAIA on Climate Change, Aalborg, Denmark.
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